How to Climb Out of Oppression into a Life of Freedom and Fulfillment

Is this you? A strong and capable woman in your church, job, and community... who is also a beaten down, oppressed wife?

Here is something to help you overcome the pain, confusion, and exhaustion of a dual life and hidden abuse.

Discover the path to freedom and healing for your soul.

Hope is Here.

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    Jilliann Woods



    My name is Jilliann, and by God’s grace, I am a fully recovered abusive relationship survivor. If you’ve been subjected to abuse by a person (or persons) with power over your life, we are kin. If you tried everything to please and placate, gave up your own desires and dreams, only to discover it was never enough, we can talk. If you lost connection with the core of your being, the woman you were divinely created to be, we’re in the same tribe.

    You are welcome here… let’s be friends, and let’s be real. God isn’t finished with us yet…

    With this guide you will:

    • Uncover lies you have believed and replace them with Truth.
    • Discover strategies that will help you to protect yourself.
    • Find the path to hope, healing, and freedom.

    Hidden abuse is destructive and demoralizing, but you are not powerless in your relationship. With faith, courage, and support, there is release. By completing the exercises in this guide, you need no longer feel stuck in shame and self-blame regarding your relationship.

    My friend, there is hope. We are stronger together.